
The package uses the Stocktwits API manages three type of streas: user, symbol and conversation. Now the package manages the user and symbol streams.

You can contribute to implement other functionalities by a Pull Request to master branch.

Run tests

cd stocktwits-collector/
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
python3 -m unittest discover -v

There is also a script for integration tests, but it is only for specific changes

# run API with chunk day # around 160s
python3 -m unittest tests/
# run API with chunk week # around 400s
CHUNKS=week python3 -m unittest tests/
# run API with chunk month # around 1600s
CHUNKS=month python3 -m unittest tests/
# run API with chunk day, week and month
CHUNKS=all python3 -m unittest tests/
# run API with verbose and chunk day
VERBOSE=True python3 -m unittest tests/

Run make

Makefile is useful for many actions:

  • run the unit test by make unittest

  • run the doc build by make doc

Prepare a Pull Request (PR)

You can fork the repository in your space and then you can clone your copy in your local to change and run tests.

cd stocktwits-collector/
pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
python3 -m unittest discover -v
git checkout -b your-branch
git add files-changed
git commit -m "describe your changes here"
git push origin push your-branch

You can create the PR from your fork.