
The package uses the Stocktwits API manages three type of streas: user, symbol and conversation. Now the package manages the user and symbol streams.

There are some parameters that you can use. These are the mandatory parameters:

  • symbols, you can define a list of symbols that you want to download: this list has to have at least one element or it has to exist the parameter users

  • users, you can define a list of users that you want to download: this list has to have at least one element or it has to exist the parameter symbols

And these are optionals:

  • only_combo, when you want to download only the combo between a specific symbol and user, you have to use each previous parameter and this that it is a boolean

  • min, it is the ID of a specific twit from which you want to start downloading

  • max, it is the ID of a specific twit where you want to stop downloading

  • limit, it is the number of messages that you want to download in one shot

  • start, it is the datetime from which you want to start downloading

  • chunk, it is the chunk (day, week or month) in which you want to split the data

  • filename_prefix, it is the prefix name of files where you want to save the data

  • filename_suffix, it is the suffix name of files where you want to save the data

  • is_verbose, when you want to print some information to understand what the system is saving, it is a boolean

Without optional parameters, the system downloads the last 30 messages and prints those in the output. If you want to save that on a file (or more files), you have to use at least the chunk parameter.


Remeber to install the package by pip

pip3 install stocktwits-collector

or by requirements.txt contains one line with stocktwits-collector

pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
import os
import json
import pandas as pd

from stocktwits_collector.collector import Collector
sc = Collector()

# download last messages up to 30
messages = sc.get_history({'symbols': ['TSLA'], 'limit': 4})
# download the messages from a date to today
messages = sc.get_history({'symbols': ['TSLA'], 'start': '2022-04-04T00:00:00Z'})
# save the messages on files splitted per chunk from a date to max ID
chunk = sc.save_history({'symbols': ['TSLA'], 'start': '2022-04-04T00:00:00Z', 'chunk': 'day'})

# load data from one file
with open('history.20220404.json', 'r') as f:
    data = json.loads(
df = pd.json_normalize(
        'id', 'body', 'created_at',
        ['user', 'id'],
        ['user', 'username'],
        ['entities', 'sentiment', 'basic']
twits = df[['id', 'body', 'created_at', 'user.username', 'entities.sentiment.basic']]

# load data from multiple files
frames = []
path = '.'
for file in os.listdir(path):
    filename = f"{path}/{file}"
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        data = json.loads(
                'id', 'body', 'created_at',
                ['user', 'id'],
                ['user', 'username'],
                ['entities', 'sentiment', 'basic']
df = pd.concat(frames).sort_values(by=['id'])
twits = df[['id', 'body', 'created_at', 'user.username', 'entities.sentiment.basic']]